Wednesday, November 28, 2007

lazy days

Since I'll be on vacation for around 3 months, I'll need to find something to do, and this blog is it! I'm definitely not complaining though, I'd rather be bumming at home with my family than overseas at Uni. I've been listening to heaps of new music lately, and I'm digging Camel lately. I've been listening to 'Moonmadness' by them and I like it - my first taste of Camel. I might look deeper into their discography after I fully digest this album. Check it out if you're into prog-rock at all, definitely recommended. 

I've also been listening to Jesu's 'Lifeline' Ep, as well as Burton Wagner's '21'. I prefer the latter of the two, but I haven't given Jesu's latest much playtime. I'll remedy this in the coming days. I heard a bit of Caspian, their song Quovis, and I really liked it! Their music is a bit hard to find though...

So basically I'm pretty into my post-rock on these lazy days, with a bit of prog rock thrown in for good measure. That's about it, I'm still learning how to use this blog!

Take it easy everybody

* If you're as bored as I am, go on and check out some of my songs (if you can all them that) on myspace.

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