I'm gonna say it here, because I need to get this off my chest. I am being 100% serious when I say that...thenewcoldplayalbumisactuallyreallycool! Phew. Had to let it out. It's true, the new Coldplay album, Viva la Vida or Death and All His Friends. Its currently streaming on their myspace ahead of its release in mid-June (you need to have a myspace account to access the stream). I've never owned any music by Coldplay before, and have often made jokes and equated listening to Coldplay with raging homosexuality (ala Seth Rogan and Paul Rudd in The 40 Year Old Virgin), so believe me when I say I am completely and utterly shocked that I've really enjoyed the 2 or 3 plays through this album I've had today.
I've already copped shit from all my friends ('Go listen to Creed while you're at it!' and just the oh-so-powerful head shake), but I won't budge on my position that it is a good record. As I'm typing this, I've come to the album closer 'Death and All His Friends' and am already looking forward to listening to it again in its entirety and dissecting what exactly it is that makes me like this album as much as I do. It might have something to do with Brian Eno being tapped in to help produce this one, or the fact that they are good musicians. Or maybe I'm getting soft, or more open minded. Whatever the reason, I'm glad I can appreciate this album. With tracks that are imbued with jagged rock guitar, epic and beautiful ambiance, the surprise use of eastern instrumentation and Chris Martin's distinguishable vocals, I'll definitely be picking this album up when it becomes available. Guilty pleasure? I feel no shame in liking and appreciating the work of a band unafraid to experiment outside the niche the public has carved for them.
(there will be a link there to listen to the new album, you have to be logged into a myspace account to stream the new album)
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