Emery is a band I've often overlooked. I went through this period or phase where, I believe the scientific term is, I thought I was 'too cool for school'. I slapped a label on these guys, dismissing them as a run of the mill generic pop punk band. And maybe they are, or were, but their 2008 release, a 7 song EP is still a strong release. The subject matter may feel a bit exhausted, with the title of the EP aptly foreshadowing what's to come on the 25 minute long disc, and that might the the major downfall, which combined with cheesy lyrics (all IMO of course) have Emery looking like a dime a dozen in todays scene. Thoughtlife, with a piano romping thourghout the track newar the end of the EP has lyrics that just seem so lame and matter of fact, that you'll want to slap whoever thought them up.
"I would have offered my life! Taken you home! Made you my wife (eww barf) but hearing you now, filling your mouth with a cowards lines, you're just a disguise, of the girl of my dreams. But I know she's waiting for me." (laaame sauce man!)
Barf unducing cringe-worthy lameness aside, the first half of the EP is quite strong and well worth hearing, especially if you are a fan. The vocals and for the most part strong song writing make Emery seem capable of bigger and better things in the future. Now if you'll excuse me..."I would have offered my liiiiiife, taken you hoooooooome! made you my wiiiife. (yuck)
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