If you guys know me, you'd laugh at the thought of me doing Jiu-Jistu. Even I think its ridiculous, especially when I'm deep in someone's guillotine choke hold, gasping for air, futilely trying to squirm my way out of my attackers rock hard death grip. That's usually what I think, when I'm 5 seconds away from black out or a hyper extended elbow, 'This is ridiculous! (substituted with ridonkulous, depending on how saucy I am feeling that day).' It truly is, considering I've got the killer instinct of a buddhist monk in deep meditation.
....My long winded point, and there is one, is that normally, that's what runs through the anti-fighter's head (yours truly) bout after bout, submission after submission. But tonight was different. Hours before, after stumbling upon (because I am never graceful) Banner Pilot's 2008 release 'Resignation Day', all I could think about was getting back and listening to it some more. It was clearly all I talked about pre fight, and instead of picking up tips from my more experienced younger brother, I got lost in recapturing that feeling I first felt when hearing Banner Pilot.

I was met with an in your face pop punk record that would not escape my head, just like I couldn't escape my brother's guard position. Infectious melodies and driving bass lines, hit hard (like a knee to the stomach) and coupled with the gruff vocals which make you wonder if the vocalist has any vocal chords left (or what they are made of) that we all know and love from our Minneapolis punk bands. Seriously, do all people sound like this in Minneapolis? The women would be intimidating to say the least (I probably would tap to them too)
I can't imagine how fun it would be to see a Banner Pilot show - the songs just make you want to get up and dance like only a white person could, grabbing unsuspecting neighbors who join in with your uncoordinated 'dance', doing your best Jackson Pollock impression (inadvertently), the venue floor in a sticky coat of over priced beer. Ah...if only. Way better than getting your ass handed to you in Jiu-Jitsu! By your kid brother no less!
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