'Panic Switch' is the new single off the upcoming Silversun Pickups album "Swoon". It's streaming from this website, and I think it's pretty awesome. Having been a huge fan of the Pikul EP, this darkly energetic track, which the band has dubbed their 'dance track', has gotten me pumped to check out Carnavas ahead of Swoon's April 14th release date. Definitely listen to Panic Switch here if you dug this indie rock/shoegaze outfit from LA, and are keen for a taste of their new 10 track album dropping this spring.
does anyone know where i can get the accepella for this song? i wanna do a dnb remix of it.
if you find one let me know!! wwww.myspace.com/xproject2590
sorry dude, no clue! good luck though, if i stumble across it i'll give you a shout
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