Saturday, September 26, 2009

JAWSOME (or an ode to Jimmy)

(this is seriously 1/8 of all the shark action - facebook chat automatically deleted the rest of the feeding frenzy Jimmy and I spent creating for the better part of an hour - give or take)

Jimmy : hahahaaha. man this is hardcore.these sharks are rutheless motherfuckers.

...if you think about it, man... sharks haven't got much of a presence in the music scene
if any at all. we could change that

Eddie: duuude! sharkcore! post sharkcore

Jimmy: ship-shop (shark hip-hop)

who is your daaaaadddy hahaha! duude...that would be sick...findie rock?

Jimmy: hahaha

Eddie:grunge white sharks. fuck. dude please - lets make a shark themed band, name and everything.

Jimmy: hahaha that was the plan!

Eddie: your plan is THE plan

Jimmy: hahha. we can infuse metal with gangster rap, and all our lyrics will be about sharks

Eddie: hahahah

Jimmy: our first single will be S.H.A.R.K.S. MAN

Eddie: hahaha...
im tryin to come up with the acronym
sharks hate all reef killers son get the harpoon W.W.E. YAAAAALL


hey you, get off mah sand,
you don't know me and you don't know mah band,
who be getting flam when it come to the jam,
here i am, here i am, the SHARK man
baby seal baby seal HEY the SHARK man

Eddie: hahah YES! see? this shit writes itself!

Jimmy: sharks hate all reef killers son SHARK get the harpoom, WWE yall

bring da motherfuckin manfelsh, bring da motherfucking manflesh

Eddie: hahahaha YES! duuude, that shit's so good...

sorry i was listening to austrian death machine. hahaha! bring the muthauckin manflesh

Jimmy: haha, its ok

Eddie haha gold. i feel like im not participating in the song writing.
every guitar riff will just be the!!!oooh shit - some heavy ass break down!

Jimmy: yeah

Eddie: - just minor 2nds all over haahahah, like the jaws theme song

Jimmy: hahaha.

shark-cunts rule everything around me SCREAM get assistance, chomp-a chomp-a dead yall

Jimmy: well, laptop battery is dyin, catchya later

Eddie: aright man, sorry i was cookin dino chicken nuggets. im saving this convo, cuz its so awesome.

Jimmy: hahaha, maybe post on your blog?

- WORD, son, damn straight this went on the blog!

Best facebook chat convo ever? - I think so! Jimmy never fails to make me laugh, just because he's one of the few people who would get as excited about this as I would, and would play along with it for so long. That's why he's a great friend, and why we have a million inside jokes in the short time we spent being black and kickin' it - I miss ya brother.


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