Saturday, November 21, 2009

Surfer Blood

I don't know what their deal is, and if they didn't make such awesome tunes, I'd probably hate them. You see, I have this rational fear of sharks. (I was about to say irrational, but who ISN'T afraid of being chomped on by a great white shark?) Every time I paddle out for a terrified surf session, I do my best to keep my legs out of the water while paddling, and put my self on self appointed fin watch. You should've seen my face the first time I saw a dolphins crescent fin break the treacherous, shark infested (so I would believe since I'm ridiculous) waters out in Santa Barbara. Before I even describe their music, just take a look at their album cover!

Luckily for me, this wouldn't be my sound track for my first and last shark attack (God forbid it happens) - you won't find tracks like Limbless, My Arm Is In A Warmer Place, Float like A Seal, Sting Like A Severed Leg etc. Au contraire, mon frere - Surfer Blood's lo-fi, fuzzy distorted pop rock sound is upbeat and uplifting. Opener 'Floating Vibes' calls to mind the Silversun Pickups on prozac - same fuzzy sound, with just an extra does of happy pop rock/indie goodness. The Floridians are currently on tour with Japandroids.

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