Sunday, December 13, 2009
Friday, December 11, 2009
Summer came to pass, all I ask is - where you were?

All The Empires Of The World

Get it here ---> Blessings
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Matthew Cooper creates beautiful music - using gorgeous and lush string arrangements as well as tasteful integration of piano, his blend of shoe gaze/post rock makes listeners absorb every note played, transported to another world that exists between the gentle embrace of one's headphones.
Now he's added another element to his sweeping repertoire - his baritone voice, as well as sparse percussion. If the track 'The Motion Makes Me Last' is any indication of how successful these new additions are to his brand of instrumental music, I can't wait for his new record Similes, set to be released February 23, 2010.
(right click and save as to download from
Matthew Cooper,
The Motion Makes Me Last
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
I heard that Hopesfall may be putting out a new EP in 2010, but you wouldn't be alone if you asked the question who and what is exactly Hopesfall these days? And you know what, I couldn't answer - their lineup has undergone so many changes that the Hopesfall jamspace must've literally been a revolving door of musicians. I do know, however, that in their heyday they released some amazingly underrated post hardcore records. Albums like A-Types and Satellite Years showcased never leave your head choruses, complex guitar structures and songs that produced beautiful ambient sections that juxtaposed the harsh and harrowing impassioned screams they preceded.

(a criminally underrated release)
In other words, Hopesfall ruled hard. 2007's Magnetic North may have been a Frankenstein line-up, with bits and pieces of the original band stretched out in tatters throughout the album, but it still retained that magic Hopesfall seems to conjure from release to release. Here's hoping the new Hopesfall material is solid, in whatever incarnation it comes in.
I looked for a video of my favorite track off A-Types, and couldn't find one that could do the track justice - the audio on the recorded track on youtube was so tinny I wanted to pop my ear drums. Here's a live video that I hope you all can dig.
ps - If anyone out there knows how to get a hand on some Hopesfall t-shirts, without Trustkill getting a cent of the proceeds, let me know! I can't believe how they wronged these guys. Truly sucks.
*Breathe From Coma - Hopesfall
Therefore I Am
Here's a band I discovered this year, and was quite impressed on first listen, but totally forgot about them with the incredible output artists have had this year. Why am I posting it now? Because they have a new video and video's look impressive on this blog, like I know what I'm doing. It also goes without saying their album The Sound of Human Lives has a very, very veeeheheheheheeeery (a la Dr. Cox) good chance of appearing on my year end best of 09 music list. Very prestigious, I know. I'm weird like that - will pick something up after countless days of neglect and be like "holy crap! this is the bees knees!". Kinda like what people are doing with aviators sunglasses, or how they think the 80's was and is somehow fashionable again...?
'I Am Only An Island' - Therefore I Am
'I Am Only An Island' - Therefore I Am
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Monday, November 23, 2009
I can barely deal with my acoustic guitar
Man, what kind of dexterity would you need to be able to pull off playing one of these properly?! You'd probably have to be able to perform open heart surgery with both hands simultaneously on two different patients while tap dancing WHILE juggling a soccer ball. On a tight rope. Nah, maybe not, but still, I'd love to just try one of these Eigenharps out.
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Top Notch, Butterscotch lyrics - its the mood!
Big ups to my buddy Niccolo for introducing me to solid hip hop - Slum Village, anything Jay Dee touches, and Pete Rock. Here's Pete Rock and CL Smooth's 'Carmel City', off the 1994 essential The Main Ingredient. I could honestly pick any song off The Main Ingredient and it would blow 90% of the hip hop out there clear out of the water, even 15 years after it dropped.
I Might Be Wrong
I just got Amnesiac. Kid A was my favorite Radiohead album, but I'm not too sure anymore. I might be wrong
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Surfer Blood
I don't know what their deal is, and if they didn't make such awesome tunes, I'd probably hate them. You see, I have this rational fear of sharks. (I was about to say irrational, but who ISN'T afraid of being chomped on by a great white shark?) Every time I paddle out for a terrified surf session, I do my best to keep my legs out of the water while paddling, and put my self on self appointed fin watch. You should've seen my face the first time I saw a dolphins crescent fin break the treacherous, shark infested (so I would believe since I'm ridiculous) waters out in Santa Barbara. Before I even describe their music, just take a look at their album cover!

Luckily for me, this wouldn't be my sound track for my first and last shark attack (God forbid it happens) - you won't find tracks like Limbless, My Arm Is In A Warmer Place, Float like A Seal, Sting Like A Severed Leg etc. Au contraire, mon frere - Surfer Blood's lo-fi, fuzzy distorted pop rock sound is upbeat and uplifting. Opener 'Floating Vibes' calls to mind the Silversun Pickups on prozac - same fuzzy sound, with just an extra does of happy pop rock/indie goodness. The Floridians are currently on tour with Japandroids.
Yes, Fall Be Kind Leaked
and yes, I'm only bringing it up because while I can get down to some Animal Collective, I don't fawn over them like everyone else seems to. This EP however, is rock solid, embracing almost traditional song structures (traditional in the Animal Collective world, mind you) in the sense that you can almost sing along with Avery Tare. 'What Would I Want? Sky' is probably my favorite AC song I've ever heard, so if you're on the fence as to whether abhor the hipsters' wet dream, or to go to Amoeba in your skinnies and lensless glasses and buy everything they've released on vinyl to play in your 'artists' loft' on your grandad's vintage record player that is so cash (who the fuck says that? 'so cash'?), make sure to pick up Fall Be Kind.
It's so cash (shoot the next person who says that)
With Honor
Hardcore is a great genre, that is littered with so many bands, that sometimes its hard to find a band that genuinely excited you and makes you take notice of the way THEY play hardcore. Whether it be with introspective song structures and lyrics, harrowing screams, furious banging on the drum kit or a relentless aural assault of pummeling guitar riffs (holy extreme use of adjectives, Batman!)
One thing I look for is an earnest sincerity in song writing, where the bands passion truly shines through - cause if they are just a cookie cutter formulaic entity with no rhyme or reason behind their guitar riffs and angered shouts, then how can I be expected to get into their music, if they're truly not into it themselves? Now, this is a pretty brash claim, and how can one truly understand a band's motives? And the short answer is, you can't. But certain bands give off the vibe they truly care about each note played, each hi hat hit, each vocal hook sung. The passion that comes through is obvious in my newest favorite discovery in hardcore, With Honor. Their 2004 release, aptly titled (for the sake of my long winded pompous rant) Heart Means Everything, encompasses emotion, song writing that doesn't get stale, and is among one of the most enjoyable hardcore releases I've heard in recent memory.
If you're gonna do something, do it with passion, or don't do it at all.
(the only video I could find on youtube, but it's still a great track)

(insert lame joke about hating math, functions, how this record equates to something amazing. ok good, now it's out of the way)
Another steller 09 release this time coming by way of the United Kingdom's screamo/post-hardcore quintet, named Maths. The solid musicianship is what will strike you first, from the very start of Belief in Sorrow, where the guitars almost call to mind post rock tremolo picking and song structures. The harsh vocals and seamless segue between tracks make it a quick but highly enjoyable listen. Harsh impassioned vocals plus (haha! I hate myself for that) a band that is up to the challenge of keeping their brand of screamo fresh make Maths stand out from the pack - and of the 09 releases as well. Well worth scoping out.
Monday, November 16, 2009
These Ears Need More Tunes
... like this. This Town Needs Guns combine mind blowing technical proficiency on guitar, dipping and diving vocals, with a calculating and steady rhythm section rounding out the angular math/indie band out of Oxford, England. With two full lengths to their name as well as a split, the impressive band sometimes can over burden listeners with their frantic guitar riffing, but beyond the lightning quick hammer ons and pull offs, string skipping and precision picked notes lies earnest and heartfelt song writing, driven home by the impressive atmosphere the pining vocals and sound scapes the music makes. Besides, some beauty needs to be admired in awe, put on a pedestal, and Tim Collin's guitar work is so incredible that it's enough reason to keep listening to this band.
Head to their website to purchase acoustic reworks of two songs off their latest LP, Animals
+++This Town Needs Guns
Head to their website to purchase acoustic reworks of two songs off their latest LP, Animals
+++This Town Needs Guns
Thursday, October 22, 2009
The Blue Prints of UK Hardcore
My buddy Brett reps these these guys on the reg, and this amazing 'live' vid of their song Follow The Water lets me see what all the hype is about. Hollow Crown went under my radar but when I listen to their peers The Arusha Accord, maybe I should take more notice of the strong showing the UK metal scene has put up in the last couple of years.
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Speaking Of My Favorite Punk Bands
I just started getting off my keester, and instead of watching Lost every waking moment (I am the last person to get into that show, I swear) I've started running again to get in shape. This is what I play when I need to get pumped. Belvedere's Fast Forward Eats The Tape is a great album that I encourage anyone with the slightest interest in punk rock/ melodic music/ guitar centric music to check out. Just listen to the little breakdown (not chugga chugga squeeee breakdown) at 2:24!
Bullet Proof Tiger

A Wilhelm Scream are easily one of my favorite punk bands - technical, aggressive guitar playing that matches the vehement vocal delivery (with memorable sing a longs to stop you from screaming in fear *wink wink*) ..(* a wilhelm scream is the traditional scream sound clip played in old school horror movies....I'm SO lame that I felt the need to explain my retarded joke. But I digress!)
Bullet Proof Tiger is A Wilhelm Scream doing what I love best in punk bands - bridging the gap between pop functionality and instrument technicality (wow that sounds impressive). Just listen to the song I'm running on fumes here!
+++Bullet Proof Tiger
Watch for their self titled EP which they'll release on November 20th- the final track list will include Bullet Proof Tiger
Miles Benjamin Anthony Robinson
I don't know who you are personally, or why you choose to make your name so ridiculously long, but you rule pretty hard.
Check his 09 release Summer of Fear for a great alt/freak/folk record. Sorry - just way too bored right now with not much to say
Check his 09 release Summer of Fear for a great alt/freak/folk record. Sorry - just way too bored right now with not much to say
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Monday, October 19, 2009
As Tall As Lions
If for some reason, you've heard about As Tall As Lions, but decided not to check them out, go and do 2 things:
1) Go back in time and slap your old self for passing up on hearing a great band
2) Get your hands on their self titled full length record.
... nah don't worry - I did the exact same thing, but discovering their eponymous debut wasn't any less sweeter, no matter how late to the party I may have been.
What comes before Part B?
1) Go back in time and slap your old self for passing up on hearing a great band
2) Get your hands on their self titled full length record.
... nah don't worry - I did the exact same thing, but discovering their eponymous debut wasn't any less sweeter, no matter how late to the party I may have been.
What comes before Part B?
Jesus Is Just A Spanish Boys Name
Man, I LOVE Frightened Rabbit!
Their 08' release, Midnight Organ Fight is well worth picking up (legally or illegally) (but really, legally) (but do what you gotta do cuz I'm not gonna judge) (...just get it, it's so good)
Their 08' release, Midnight Organ Fight is well worth picking up (legally or illegally) (but really, legally) (but do what you gotta do cuz I'm not gonna judge) (...just get it, it's so good)
Thursday, October 15, 2009
...i said kiss me you're beautiful, these are truly the last days. you grabbed my hand and we fell into it, like a daydream - or a fever
Friday, October 9, 2009
Prepare to be educated
Check out the Colorpulse website for downloads of this track in mp3, FLAC and video formats, as well as other original material.
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Into The Mirror
The only bad thing about listening to this awesome new single (which will officially be released on the 27th of October...) is that Minus the Bear's new album doesn't drop until 2010. The addition of female vocals through me off at first but it's a new and welcome touch. As always, the instrumentation is solid - Knudson breaks it down with a tasteful almost Frusciante-esque guitar solo midway through the track, and Snyder is as suave as ever as he croons:
"She whispers, 'you get what you pay for, we could cost a lot'.
You get what you pay for, and we do it for the taste of a good high
We do it for the sake of a hot night"
- man, I love living vicariously through Minus the Bear's lyrics. If only I was as cool as these fools!
"She whispers, 'you get what you pay for, we could cost a lot'.
You get what you pay for, and we do it for the taste of a good high
We do it for the sake of a hot night"
- man, I love living vicariously through Minus the Bear's lyrics. If only I was as cool as these fools!
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Dig, dig, dig a little deeper
I'll tell you anything you wanna know
Agents of the Underground,
Strung Out
The Philippines Still Needs Your Help
And it doesn't matter who you are, where you are, how much you give, or if you even can locate the Philippines on the map (it's in South East Asia near Japan :p).
Check it for ways to help:
Also, in conjunction with her friends at teecycle, my cousin Lille has organized that all proceeds that are made from buying pre-loved shirts off this website will go directly to aid those affected by Typhoon Ondoy.
Check it for ways to help:
Also, in conjunction with her friends at teecycle, my cousin Lille has organized that all proceeds that are made from buying pre-loved shirts off this website will go directly to aid those affected by Typhoon Ondoy.
Sometimes, helping out by donating money feels like an overbearing task if you've never done it before, but please consider giving to people that would really need and appreciate your help. Any amount would help, especially with another Super Typhoon (Parma) heading towards the Philippines as I type this. There's nothing we can do but brace for the worst, but bring out the best in all of us and donate/help/spread the word when and where we can.
Thanks for reading, much love,
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
I would play this record when/if:
I was lying haphazardly on top of my exhausted horse, my mighty steed that had carried me away from the din and clamor of a blood thirsty war, and I had come to an anomaly - a beautiful river with lilies and sparkling, flawless water. After using all my strength to lift my samurai awesome body off my horse, I'd fall with a defeated splash into the welcoming crystalline water. Unable to do anything but gaze blankly at the sun, who conversely was sparkling all the brighter while my life force grew faint (asshole sun!). With gaping mouth and multiple holes ridden in my war defeated body, arrow heads embedded in my arms and chest, I'd lay, quiet and content. Ribbons of blood would swirl away, making intricate patterns that added a strange incarnidine beauty to the otherwise unperturbed body of water - the water which flows through my very japanese pony tail and kimono (which is probably why I would be dying - kimono's do not offer much in the way of protection, you see), my dying body which diverts the flow of the peaceful water. Nature sounds all around me - the sounds of life and living, of simplicity and an age old wisdom for all ages; almost mocking man's folly at the conquests and idea of war, which is an idea brewed and concocted by the so called thinking ape. And all around me, the sound of nature, while just yards away, I know in my weakly beating heart that...
Helios - Eingya
Czech it out, seriously. An electronic/post rock/ambient gem, created by Keith Kenniff.
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Rome Neighbors With Devendra Banhart remix
Big ups to Ces for this - the story isn't about you haha (except for the good song rec)
You know when you just put on a track and can feel that you're gonna dig it? Or, actually, back up - you know how people say 'you've gotta listen to this track!'?, and they build it up to be something great, and you're let down most of the time - some staggering number or percentage that makes you lose faith in humanity and that particular friend's taste in music?
I hate that, because I'm too nice (or too spineless) to say how I really feel about the song to their face (worst song ever, abomination in song form, could crap out better tunes with my musical farts et-cetera and so on and so forth), yet enough of an asshole to just secretly hate that person for the next five or ten minutes; depending on the severity of the letdown/how shitty/length the song was.
...But how good is looking back on that heartbreak, when you're 'musically inclined' friend comes through - and you sit there, unconsciously bobbing your head and raising the volume, and opening up your ears (if that's even possible - maybe good songs do that to you) even wider then the preset holes God/Allah/Homo Neanderthalensis gave you in your head... And you tell all your other friends, 'you've gotta listen to this track!".
That is something I love. But seriously, you guys gotta listen to this track
Download - Phoenix - Neighbors with Devendra Banhart remix
*after writing this, I feel like all my friends will be afraid to rec me something, or they think I'm some sort of elitist - but I seriously like whatever you guys show me - if you know you have good taste, don't sweat it.
**there I go being spineless again, I am the boneless chicken of music critiquing.
***I just like to over-exaggerate to a fault to make my writing more interesting, sometimes fabricating scenarios like the one above (but it has happened before).
****no more explaining myself!
Neightbors withDevendra Banhart remix,
Sunday, September 27, 2009
What We Must
Saturday, September 26, 2009
JAWSOME (or an ode to Jimmy)
(this is seriously 1/8 of all the shark action - facebook chat automatically deleted the rest of the feeding frenzy Jimmy and I spent creating for the better part of an hour - give or take)

Jimmy : hahahaaha. man this is hardcore.these sharks are rutheless motherfuckers.
...if you think about it, man... sharks haven't got much of a presence in the music scene
if any at all. we could change that
if any at all. we could change that
Eddie: duuude! sharkcore! post sharkcore
Jimmy: ship-shop (shark hip-hop)
who is your daaaaadddy hahaha! duude...that would be sick...findie rock?
who is your daaaaadddy hahaha! duude...that would be sick...findie rock?
Jimmy: hahaha
Eddie:grunge white sharks. fuck. dude please - lets make a shark themed band, name and everything.
Jimmy: hahaha that was the plan!
Eddie: your plan is THE plan
Jimmy: hahha. we can infuse metal with gangster rap, and all our lyrics will be about sharks
Eddie: hahahah
Jimmy: our first single will be S.H.A.R.K.S. MAN
Eddie: hahaha...
im tryin to come up with the acronym
sharks hate all reef killers son get the harpoon W.W.E. YAAAAALL
im tryin to come up with the acronym
sharks hate all reef killers son get the harpoon W.W.E. YAAAAALL
hey you, get off mah sand,
you don't know me and you don't know mah band,
who be getting flam when it come to the jam,
here i am, here i am, the SHARK man
baby seal baby seal HEY the SHARK man
you don't know me and you don't know mah band,
who be getting flam when it come to the jam,
here i am, here i am, the SHARK man
baby seal baby seal HEY the SHARK man
Eddie: hahah YES! see? this shit writes itself!
Jimmy: sharks hate all reef killers son SHARK get the harpoom, WWE yall
bring da motherfuckin manfelsh, bring da motherfucking manflesh
bring da motherfuckin manfelsh, bring da motherfucking manflesh
Eddie: hahahaha YES! duuude, that shit's so good...
sorry i was listening to austrian death machine. hahaha! bring the muthauckin manflesh
Jimmy: haha, its ok
Eddie haha gold. i feel like im not participating in the song writing.
every guitar riff will just be the!!!oooh shit - some heavy ass break down!
every guitar riff will just be the!!!oooh shit - some heavy ass break down!
Jimmy: yeah
Eddie: - just minor 2nds all over haahahah, like the jaws theme song
Jimmy: hahaha.
shark-cunts rule everything around me SCREAM get assistance, chomp-a chomp-a dead yall
Jimmy: well, laptop battery is dyin, catchya later
Eddie: aright man, sorry i was cookin dino chicken nuggets. im saving this convo, cuz its so awesome.
Jimmy: hahaha, maybe post on your blog?
- WORD, son, damn straight this went on the blog!
Best facebook chat convo ever? - I think so! Jimmy never fails to make me laugh, just because he's one of the few people who would get as excited about this as I would, and would play along with it for so long. That's why he's a great friend, and why we have a million inside jokes in the short time we spent being black and kickin' it - I miss ya brother.
The most awesome thing I've discovered today (maybe in years)
You all may already know about Austrian Death Machine, the Shwarzenegger centric metal band, but I just stumbled upon this most amazing group today (5 minutes ago to be exact). The cover art for their album Total Brutal (dropped in 08) really sums up how bad ass these guys (and the Governator) really are. There is nothing else that needs to be said, except...
+63 Emergency
(I'm from the Philippines, and Typhoon Ondoy is devastating the country at the moment - Typhoons aren't uncommon back home, but there hasn't been one this bad as far back as I can remember. As I sit comfortably dry in Southern California, I can't stop thinking about all my family and friends affected - rich and poor are struggling through the onslaught of rain.)
All the information I know about the natural disaster is coming from her and relatives dealing with the onslaught of rain back home. It bothers me that there seems to be zero coverage about Typhoon Ondoy on mainstream media networks, and the devastating affects it is having in the Philippines. The large population of poor people will have no means to deal with the mass flooding - many people's homes will have been destroyed, or in extreme cases, swept away in the torrential rain. I've seen video footage of underpass walkways that were completely flooded to the brim - underpasses I've taken myself and I can't believe the extent of the flooding! Busy streets in the central business district have had their pot hole marked streets covered in a milky, destructive layer of brown rain water.
More information from a local source can be gleaned from checking out this link here:
If you are able to help (and plead you to do so), think about donating money to the Philippine Branch of the Red Cross. Lille used a U.S credit card to donate to help the cause, so don't feel like you can't help.
Keep the Philippine people in your thoughts and (if you believe in a high power) prayers.
Much Love,
Needless To Say
It feels like I always say, 'needless to say' when I write up here.
Needless to say, this probably won't be the last time you see that phrase used on this website.
Friday, September 25, 2009
Mo' Updates, Mo' Problems
Since it's rare I'm in an update-y mode, I might as well post a link to a new John Mayer track. 'Who Says' can be streamed here preceding Battle Studies release on November 17
---> Who Says.
Needless to say, I'll most probably pick this up once John Mayer drops his new full length - ever since hearing The John Mayer Trio and seeing some of his stand up, I've had mad respect for this guy. This song's pretty dope. Who says I can't like John Mayer, and write shitty haiku's all morning (don't ask)?
Bon Iver tonight! = panties on stage.
So my man crush will probably soar to its homosexual zenith when I see Justin Vernon tonight in the flesh at the Wiltern. I just want to document my man love, for a before and after comparison. A gay gauge if you will.
Fig. 1

*** starred data is speculation. Number may sky rocket to infinity.
Obviously, I'm joking, and obviously I'm stoked, and obviously I have too much time on my hands today, but I really think this is one of those moments in my life that I'll remember for a real long time. For Emma, Forever Ago is such a special record to me, that I feel like I can't listen to it as often as I'd like to - I don't want it to be overplayed, to lose its shine that it has in my eyes. I don't want too much of a good thing - and this is the only time I've ever felt this way about a record. Justin Vernon's first full length under the Bon Iver moniker is easily one of my top records of all time, and I can say that without a moment's hesitation (an unheard of feat for me personally, and my easily persuaded monkey mind). Every time I play this record, no matter where it is, everything takes on a special significance and gets me lost in my thoughts. It could be a car ride down Lincoln, where everyone in the car silently appreciates Vernon's croon on Re: Stacks, or it could be how perfectly Bon Iver plays in the background when writing the most important letter of your life...
Tonight is going to rule. I wish I could bring everyone I know to the Wiltern tonight, to share in Justin Vernon's music tonight. To share in my happiness! To share this life changing moment (I need to calm down!)
Paramore - Closer (also me losing street cred)
Of COURSE I would like something like this. When the palm mutes come into the verse I'm all like 'daaaamn', and when Hayley opens up on the chorus I'm all like 'daaaaaaaaaaaaaamn!'.
Don't deny it - you dig this track too!
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Thanks to Cat for the heads up on this track :)
I used to live in Sydney, and to cut a long story short, I was relocated to California against my will. Sob story aside, I was recently made aware that it's been a year since I've lived in Australia. Maybe it's fitting that I've recently been thinking about every little thing I used to love about living in the ambiguously laid back metropolis. It's funny the things you find yourself missing, when your staring headlong into nostalgia's wispy allure. I miss taking the bus and the train (admittedly to someone very special), walking at night through Town Hall station, mind wandering, weaving automatically through people hurrying in their suits. I miss Woolworth's, and just walking down the aisles with muesli and milk in my basket (the extent of my cooking abilities was based on my skillful use of bowl and spoon, which ultimately chose for me what I ate on the regular). I miss the way nature was seamlessly intertwined with the granite and roadways, how the beach was a stone's throw from stoplights and shopping malls. Looking back, I appreciate the balance of modern city and the undermined subtlety of nature more than I ever did when it was a simple bus ride from the poster adorned walls that made up the tiny apartment I rarely slept in.
Random things will force themselves to the top of my subconscious, and I scoop out these memories delicately, like those green nets you use to scoop up a brand new goldfish - precious and carefully, yet intently focused. I miss scrubbing the dishes after being treated to a home cooked meal (an event that I ashamedly feel happened to often, but was never unappreciated), and hastily putting them away for a certain someone, with the only thing left on the agenda was to watch whatever was on TV. For me, I would've been happy if the screen was broadcasting snowy static - it was just being there that made me feel content.
The more I scoop, the more I feel like things that were so miniscule are the most important things - trips to the park, sharing a pack of chips from Homer's (ok that was always the most important thing to me!), shifting your girlfriend's gears while she drives through the suburbs with the sun setting low, being hyperactive and shouting the Red Hot Chili Peppers' nonsensical lyrics in the same car ride.
The more I scoop, the more I realize every little thing was important, and I'm sorry I overlooked every waking, important memory.
...phew! To get back on topic, I remember watching this kid, Matt Corby on Australian Idol, and being impressed with his natural talent at a very shallow level. After being shown this video yesterday, it makes me glad to see his sound so...mature! Definitely a throw back to Justin Vernon's style of heart felt folk music, with finger plucking that calls to mind Jose Gonzalez, Letters is a great tune. If this track is any indication, its great to see that Mr. Corby isn't resting on his laurels and the fame his brief stint on Australian Idol has brought him - he's produced a track a true artist would be proud of - heartfelt, emotional and NOT commercially formulated to encompass the masses.
I used to live in Sydney, and to cut a long story short, I was relocated to California against my will. Sob story aside, I was recently made aware that it's been a year since I've lived in Australia. Maybe it's fitting that I've recently been thinking about every little thing I used to love about living in the ambiguously laid back metropolis. It's funny the things you find yourself missing, when your staring headlong into nostalgia's wispy allure. I miss taking the bus and the train (admittedly to someone very special), walking at night through Town Hall station, mind wandering, weaving automatically through people hurrying in their suits. I miss Woolworth's, and just walking down the aisles with muesli and milk in my basket (the extent of my cooking abilities was based on my skillful use of bowl and spoon, which ultimately chose for me what I ate on the regular). I miss the way nature was seamlessly intertwined with the granite and roadways, how the beach was a stone's throw from stoplights and shopping malls. Looking back, I appreciate the balance of modern city and the undermined subtlety of nature more than I ever did when it was a simple bus ride from the poster adorned walls that made up the tiny apartment I rarely slept in.
Random things will force themselves to the top of my subconscious, and I scoop out these memories delicately, like those green nets you use to scoop up a brand new goldfish - precious and carefully, yet intently focused. I miss scrubbing the dishes after being treated to a home cooked meal (an event that I ashamedly feel happened to often, but was never unappreciated), and hastily putting them away for a certain someone, with the only thing left on the agenda was to watch whatever was on TV. For me, I would've been happy if the screen was broadcasting snowy static - it was just being there that made me feel content.
The more I scoop, the more I feel like things that were so miniscule are the most important things - trips to the park, sharing a pack of chips from Homer's (ok that was always the most important thing to me!), shifting your girlfriend's gears while she drives through the suburbs with the sun setting low, being hyperactive and shouting the Red Hot Chili Peppers' nonsensical lyrics in the same car ride.
The more I scoop, the more I realize every little thing was important, and I'm sorry I overlooked every waking, important memory.
...phew! To get back on topic, I remember watching this kid, Matt Corby on Australian Idol, and being impressed with his natural talent at a very shallow level. After being shown this video yesterday, it makes me glad to see his sound so...mature! Definitely a throw back to Justin Vernon's style of heart felt folk music, with finger plucking that calls to mind Jose Gonzalez, Letters is a great tune. If this track is any indication, its great to see that Mr. Corby isn't resting on his laurels and the fame his brief stint on Australian Idol has brought him - he's produced a track a true artist would be proud of - heartfelt, emotional and NOT commercially formulated to encompass the masses.
Letters are a powerful thing - if you send one make sure you always mean what you say. I know I do
Sunday, September 20, 2009
"Prepare to get Rushified!"
"... it sounds better on louder speakers..."
I've just picked up Moving Pictures and 2112 (finally) and can't stop listening to both albums.
"Do you wanna get some Neil Peart all up in ya?!"
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Oblivion Ep. 1 - Blueprint For Joy
(let it load all the way first when you stream it so it doesn't keep stopping to buffer)
While waiting on tables in downtown LA, director Mike Cuenca asked my sister Sara to try out for a part in his slapstick comedy, Oblivion. Hosted on the web, the highly stylized and quick witted web series debuted today! Funny characters and dialogue are packed into the 1st episode, which you can stream above, or click on this link to access it. ---> Oblivion Episode 1
Check it! Really cool stuff, and look out for Faye, the best character for sure! (but I'm biased :p)
Monday, September 14, 2009
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Look Out
Helter Skelter! Thrice is including a studio version of their take on the perennial, energetic Beatles classic in the physical copy of Beggars (which is out September 15.) Their cover of Eleanor Rigby was pretty awesome just in it's conception and putting it into practice, but this! This cover just straight up rocks! Check out this live clip, even though the studio version craps all over it.
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Monday, September 7, 2009
i always knew i was stupid, but i didn't realize it would take me this long to figure out just how stupid i really was. i always knew i was stupid but i didn't realize it would take me this long to figure out just how stupid i really i was. i always knew i was STUPID, but i didn't realize it would take me THIS long to figure out just how stupid i really was. i always knew i was stupid BUT i didn't realize it would take me this long to figure out HOW stupid i really was. Ialwaysknewiwasstupidbutididn'trealizeitwouldtakemethislongtofigureoutjusthowstupidireallywas.
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Panic Attack!
Something about this song doesn't sit right. While the old man in me is digging the more accessible nature of this cut ahead of 'In The Unlikely Event''s October 6 release (The Fall of Troy's upcoming album), it's just not as all over the place as I know they were in the past (Their self titled comes to mind).
The Unlikely Event's track list:
1. Panic Attack
2. Straight-Jacket Keelhauled
3. Battleship Graveyard
4. A Classic Case of Transference
5. Single
6. Empty the Clip the King Has Been Slain
7. People and Their Lives
8. Dirty Pillow Talk
9. Nobody's Perfect
10. Webs
11. Walk of Fame
12. Nature vs. Nurture
2. Straight-Jacket Keelhauled
3. Battleship Graveyard
4. A Classic Case of Transference
5. Single
6. Empty the Clip the King Has Been Slain
7. People and Their Lives
8. Dirty Pillow Talk
9. Nobody's Perfect
10. Webs
11. Walk of Fame
12. Nature vs. Nurture
Still gonna try and grab this the moment it drops - I've got a soft spot for their (Thomas Erak's) spastic vocals and jabbing guitar riffing brand of progressive punk. Dude's a G!
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Time Flies
...Unless you're waiting for the release of some heavily anticipated new tunage - case in point, Porcupine Tree's latest album entitled 'The Incident". Fear Of A Blank Planet was awesome, and if this single is any indication, The Incident will follow suit.
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Banner Pilot's latest release Collapser fucking rules. Makes me excited enough to write on here! No matter what you listen to, get it.
now I'm off to swim/drown 2 km's.
Monday, July 27, 2009
It's Been A Long Time
...and I can't bring myself to write on here regularly any more. Maybe soon (but no promises). I really just wanted to say that I thought the new Harry Potter was crappy. :(
I've been listening to Minus the Bear on repeat the past 2 weeks (and pretty much since I discovered them when Highly Refined Pirates came out), and even though I first heard this song like 5 years ago, I've only just realized how amazing it is.
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Wingardium LevioSAAA
Big ups to my buddy Jamie for hooking me up with this sweet linkage. I'm not gonna lie, or pretend I'm not giddy as Ginny Weasley when she sees the studly Harry P, to see the newest Harry Potter movie (Half Blood Prince), cuz I personally think the trailer is b to the a to the d to the a to the s to the s. But then again I've devoured all 7 books faster then the kids at Hogwarts down that incredible feast Dumbledore sets up at the start of each Wizarding term (on a side note - I would seriously die happy if I could partake in that feast.)
...So, what better way to build hype (and simultaneously lose street cred) than to listen to a cut by Pogo, a laid back, electronic artist, who cuts bits and pieces of sound clips from Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone to create Alohamora. Seriously dope - teen girls the world over agree!
...So, what better way to build hype (and simultaneously lose street cred) than to listen to a cut by Pogo, a laid back, electronic artist, who cuts bits and pieces of sound clips from Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone to create Alohamora. Seriously dope - teen girls the world over agree!
(What spell was Alohamora again? The lock picking spell? I need to learn that for all the times I've lost my keys on a night out!)
+++ Pogo's Last FM (with free downloads)
+++ Pogo's Last FM (with free downloads)
Thursday, July 2, 2009
All The World Is Mad
"We are saints made of plaster, our laughter is canned;
We are demons that hide in the mirror.
But the blood on our hands paints a picture exceedingly clear."
- Dustin Kensrue
We are demons that hide in the mirror.
But the blood on our hands paints a picture exceedingly clear."
- Dustin Kensrue
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
RIP iPod
Also, my iPod had all its music deleted. As I use my iPod to listen to all my music everywhere, I was a bit bummed at first (read devastated), but it's a fresh start. I can filter all the music I put back on my iPod and calibrate it to the evolved and much different taste I've acquired since I first got the thing.
Currently Digging +++

A throw back to the days when I dressed in awkwardly huge basketball shorts and shoes (I convinced myself my size 10 1/2 feet would 'grow' into my size 12 Nike basketball 'kicks'), I've always had a fondness for hip hop music. P.O.S is one of the better hip hop artists I've heard in recent memory - intelligent lyrics, songs that musically feel complete (and a smooth delivery - I feel like this guy does it better than Lupe). The first thing I thought when I realized my iPod was beyond saving was how bummed I was I wouldn't be able to listen to this album. Check it if you still haven't - here's my favorite cut from the album.
Look out for the Rhymesayers in the future for quality hip hop. Never Better is one of my favorites of '09, without a doubt.
Back In Bidness
I got my laptop back from the shop, and hopefully that means more posts. I've just been chillin in Manila, and am getting really into new kinds of music based on the excellent taste my friends have here. I'm bumpin' some J Dilla, Flying Lotus and am really down to listen to more of my post rock (especially Mono's 09 release). I'll keep you posted on what's good. Take it easy gangsta's.
Monday, June 22, 2009
Sun Giant / Blue Ridge Mountains
Big ups to Jimmy for this one. I'm still drooling on the keyboard over those freakin' vocal melodies! I'm going to have to listen to Fleet Foxes S/T tonight. Please enjoy this clip - you'd be hard pressed not to.
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Right Me Up
After accidentally spilling a bowl of cereal on my laptop (genius!) more than a month ago, I've finally taken it to the shop to get it fixed. Besides setting me back 100 bucks, it's got me back on the old desktop I have sitting at home, which is kind of cool because it has a lot of the old music I used to listen to. Here's a song that I still play every now and then, but have almost forgotten in in the wave of new music (and dairy products) I flood my laptop with daily (stupid).
If you've never listened to State Radio, you're in for a treat. Dispatch's Chad Urmston holds down vocal and guitar duties, and the three piece (Chuck Fay on Bass and Mike Najarian on skins) create their own brand of reggae flavored and politically cultured rock music. 'Right Me Up' is my favorite track off their 2006 record 'Us Against The Crown'.
Saturday, June 13, 2009
At The Drive-In? This! IS! SPARTA!
"I don’t think that I’ll be answering any questions or doing any interviews anymore, thank you very much. I haven’t got much to say about anything except with songs which I will continue to make and release — cheers."
- Jim Ward
Damnit! Do you hear that crumpling, crushing soud? That, my friends, is the sound of my hopes and dreams (and twisted nuts) being crushed.
Friday, June 12, 2009
At The Reunion?

- Cedric Bixler Zavala, on At The Drive-In reuniting.
Holy. Crap...
Cedric is in a great place with the Mars Volta releasing arguably one of their strongest records since Deloused In The Comatorium but one can dream, can't he?! I think I prefer At The Drive-In slightly more than the Mars Volta, and we're talking by the slimmest margins here. I would just kill to see ATD-i live! I saw The Mars Volta play a show in Sydney and pretty much sat in awe for the duration of the gig. I know I won't be sitting down at At The Drive-In, were they to reunite. Fingers, toes, arms, legs, nuts (no matter how painful) crossed for this to happen!
Sunday, June 7, 2009
They Say
I Say this song rules. Something about it just makes me feel good. It feels like you have heard it before, but never this good. Or, you just really like 'it' this time around. (Could a song description be more vague? 'This song is in fact, a song, and it has that part, with that kind of singing, and the guitar does some stuff, really great tune. But seriously! Check it out! (For those who want their curiosity quelled, its an easy indie rock number that brings to mind 70's rock.)
Portugal. The Man - People Say
Portugal. The Man have an upcoming album entitled 'The Satanic Satanist'. Completely obvious album name aside, I'm sure it will be completely awesome. Obviously.
More Recent Digs and Artists Worth Your Time
Exams are next week, which is ostensibly why I am on here. Studying? Bah! As if. I can't remember the last time I actually sat down and cracked open a book, and studied. Really studied. Sure, under the guise of prepping for a huge test, I've opened up a text book, with its never opened spine creaking under new found pressure, but I've never gained anything from these charades of academic advancement.
Right into it then, so I can have time to stare blankly at my Math book.
Chickenfoot are a group that, based on the success all supergroups have had before them, should really suck the big one. You can't get much more super than the stellar lineup they have put together (on paper). Sammy Hagar and Michael Anthony of Van Halen fame, providing vocals and bass duties, respectively, as well as skin man Chad Smith, relocated from the Chili Peppers to hammer out the rhythm section. On face melting guitar, we have THE Joe Satriani (to those who are unsure, is pretty much what aspiring shredders pay homage and pray to for even an ounce of the talent this man has in his pinky finger). So...are they any good? The answer, for the most part is yes. Succeeding in creating a brand of fun, energetic rock that has seemed to be missing in the past couple of years. What I dig about these guys (super guys) is that they play straight up, balls to the wall rock n roll. And I can't remember the last time a new band in this decade has brought this to the musical dinner table. Chickenfoot are here, and I am hungry for more tasty jams! (had to be done)
+++ Check out 'Oh Yeah' on their myspace to see if you dig these guys.
-note: I don't actually know if 'Oh Yeah' is on their myspace, but google isn't that hard to use!
Closure In Moscow are a great band from Australia that have released a great album in 'First Temple'. Imagine if The Mars Volta brought back the straight forward rock sensibilities of their former incarnation, At The Drive-In (RIP!!!) and incorporated it with the technical proficiency and soaring vocal delivery of TMV, and you have Closure In Moscow. Interesting guitar leads, pumping drums and superb vocals that go from high, to really freaking high falsetto on a dime will have you spinning this record on repeat.
The Pax Cecilia are great, and not just because they give away their music for free (which you can grab here). A refreshing band, which genre hop innumerable times create for a new and exciting listen. Strings and piano will soothe you, and the next moment you will be crushed with a harrowing wall of distortion. The juxtaposing moments of extreme serenity and beauty, followed by anguished, impassioned screams leave listeners breathless. A great and innovating band fast becoming one of my favorites.
+++ Grab their music here, and donate too if you dig it!
The Blood Brothers come from the much revered Seattle music scene with their take on spastic punk/post-hardcore. Or came from Seattle, as the now defunct quintet broke up in 2007. Which is a shame, because these guys are amazing. If you had any interest in the Fall of Troy's self titled, or even Doppleganger, these guys are right up your alley. Acrobatic vocals that almost call to mind Daryl Palumbo (of Glassjaw fame), guitar riffs that hit hard like sinus clearing jabs and groovy bass lines to hold it down - good, good shit. Check it!
Saturday, June 6, 2009
KsE isn't really Starting Over...
Killswitch Engage have been quoted as saying this record will be 'different and more progressive' (actually don't quote me on that quote), but after hearing this new song and the other two released tracks, I'm not sure if I'm buying that.
Is this a bad thing? I don't necessarily think so. How many bands have said that their new record will be new, fresh, original, mind blowing, face melting, tear inducing products of their collective genius? I couldn't count that high (I just can't count very high, period (!), if i'm being honest with you all)
With Killswitch, it's almost a given that, after verses screamed by the might Howard Jones, we are treated to an uplifting chorus that makes us want to bro out and hug everyone while singing along. And I'm ok with that. Hugging men included (I'm a lover not a fighter). Would you want a Big Mac to start using progressive meats sandwiched between the gallons of mayonnaise? Or progressive sauces? One horse meat and tartare sauce a la flambee Big Mac, go big time? That is a ridiculous point, but for all the whining about Killswitch's stagnant progression, I can't help but wonder how many people would be upset at the new and pretentious song writing they used on their self titled record, which drops the 30th of June. Or how Alive or Just Breathing was so much better than anything, and their new creative efforts have gone in vain. I see differences in their songwriting already, when using this latest single as a point of comparison. Leads that see Joel and Adam D actually working the fretboard, Howard Jones embracing an alt-rock vocal line in the chorus - to me its the Killswitch I know and love, just tweaked. If you pay to watch Batman, don't get offended when you see the Bat Nipples poking through his body hugging suit (yea, 3000mgs of Taurine & Caffeine is the only way to explain that little analogy). Or likewise, when you watch Paul Walker in Fast and the Furious and can't get over the fact he couldn't act his way out of a paper bag, don't start whining - go watch Amelie.
Adam D isn't behind the helm of this one, Brendan O'Brien (famous for working with big name acts like Incubus and Pearl Jam) produced, but I don't think that will affect the sound of this record very much. Killswitch Engage will be Killswitch Engage, booty shorts and cape and all. Howard has been quoted as saying this record will deal with darker subject matter, which is intriguing to me - but no one seems to care about that. Whaaatevs, I am just way too jacked up on an energy drink right now. They pioneered the Massachusetts metalcore scene, and yet when Motorhead put out septuplet albums (or however Lemmy has cranked out), people generally seem to dig it. Just sayin'
Is this a bad thing? I don't necessarily think so. How many bands have said that their new record will be new, fresh, original, mind blowing, face melting, tear inducing products of their collective genius? I couldn't count that high (I just can't count very high, period (!), if i'm being honest with you all)
With Killswitch, it's almost a given that, after verses screamed by the might Howard Jones, we are treated to an uplifting chorus that makes us want to bro out and hug everyone while singing along. And I'm ok with that. Hugging men included (I'm a lover not a fighter). Would you want a Big Mac to start using progressive meats sandwiched between the gallons of mayonnaise? Or progressive sauces? One horse meat and tartare sauce a la flambee Big Mac, go big time? That is a ridiculous point, but for all the whining about Killswitch's stagnant progression, I can't help but wonder how many people would be upset at the new and pretentious song writing they used on their self titled record, which drops the 30th of June. Or how Alive or Just Breathing was so much better than anything, and their new creative efforts have gone in vain. I see differences in their songwriting already, when using this latest single as a point of comparison. Leads that see Joel and Adam D actually working the fretboard, Howard Jones embracing an alt-rock vocal line in the chorus - to me its the Killswitch I know and love, just tweaked. If you pay to watch Batman, don't get offended when you see the Bat Nipples poking through his body hugging suit (yea, 3000mgs of Taurine & Caffeine is the only way to explain that little analogy). Or likewise, when you watch Paul Walker in Fast and the Furious and can't get over the fact he couldn't act his way out of a paper bag, don't start whining - go watch Amelie.
Adam D isn't behind the helm of this one, Brendan O'Brien (famous for working with big name acts like Incubus and Pearl Jam) produced, but I don't think that will affect the sound of this record very much. Killswitch Engage will be Killswitch Engage, booty shorts and cape and all. Howard has been quoted as saying this record will deal with darker subject matter, which is intriguing to me - but no one seems to care about that. Whaaatevs, I am just way too jacked up on an energy drink right now. They pioneered the Massachusetts metalcore scene, and yet when Motorhead put out septuplet albums (or however Lemmy has cranked out), people generally seem to dig it. Just sayin'
Check out the latest single off Killswitch Engage's Self Titled fourth record, entitled 'Starting Over'
Thursday, June 4, 2009

Octahedron is an easy listen, in more ways than one. Said to complement the oft chaotic and generally all over the place (in a good way) The Bedlam In Goliath, The Mars Volta embrace almost a laid back, slow burning, introspective feel on their latest 8 track effort. Octahedron has been quoted as being their 'acoustic' album, but fear not if you tend to gravitate and appreciate the 'weird' side of their music - Omar, Cedric and co. do all that and more. The vocals are astounding and the song writing impeccable, giving the feeling that the Mars Volta are a band that lives up to all the hype and credibility they garner. They deserve it. They feel like they are cool, arty, kids that deliver behind their seemingly pretentious delivery. Like performance art that you actually, genuinely like and care about. When the record takes a minute to actually give the eager listener comprehendible sound - we go 'ah that makes sense, it actually works'. So convincing are the progressive band that you are thoroughly convinced of their art for the duration of the 50 minute record. Great album, by a band that is most definitely great.
About fire in our bellies and furtive little feelings
- Frank Turner
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Currently Listening To


I hope you guys are listening to something that inspires you, makes you think and makes you
feel, whatever it may be
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
New Again
The New Taking Back Sunday album is really, really worth the listen. Go! I Implore you!
So is the new mewithoutYou record. One of these days I'll do a proper update. Really. 2009 is kind of shaping up to musically kick 2008's ass. New Minus the Bear and Thrice still to come?! Yes Please!
Keyboard Cat!
So is the new mewithoutYou record. One of these days I'll do a proper update. Really. 2009 is kind of shaping up to musically kick 2008's ass. New Minus the Bear and Thrice still to come?! Yes Please!
Keyboard Cat!
Monday, May 18, 2009
This Ain't A Surfin' Movie
'We sat on a shoreline watching wind scalp the white off the waves.
Sitting on a shoreline, and if I could do it, I'd dog-ear this page.
We spoke about growing old and filling the future's empty stage...'
Sitting on a shoreline, and if I could do it, I'd dog-ear this page.
We spoke about growing old and filling the future's empty stage...'
Saturday, May 16, 2009
A Glimpse Into Octahedron
The Mars Volta will be releasing their 5th full length album on the 23rd of June, and have already leaked a single entitled Cotopaxi. With Octahedron almost a month away, two more songs have popped up on the good ol' tube. 'Desperate Graves' and 'With Twilight as my Guide' both do not disappoint, and as Cotopaxi did before them, pretty much confirm this new offering from the Mars Volta will be the bees knees.
And after you try and get that ethereal keyboard part out of your head, peep Desperate Graves (the chorus is so bomb):
Check out the slow burning, but excellent With Twilight as my Guide:
And after you try and get that ethereal keyboard part out of your head, peep Desperate Graves (the chorus is so bomb):
Get your linkage here:
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
It's been a l o o o o o n g time since I've written on here. I've been meaning to, but a couple obstacles in my life have stopped me from updating this blog:
1) Just straight up lazy, not gonna lie.
2) I spilled milk on my laptop, and can't use the 'b' 'n' 'm' ',' and '.' keys. A lack of punctuation is never fun and you'd read every single sentence of mine as if you were taking a huge breath and just letting it all out in one go and by the end you'd be straining to get that last word out because you were so low on air....! (and breathe.) And just look how many times I've used those 5 keys in this little spiel of mine.
So I haven't forgotten to write on here, I just needed something so mind blowing-ly awesome that it would spur my lackadaisical ass into written action. Big ups to Jimmy (how many times have I had to say that?!), because without further ado, I present to you...
Guitar and Keytar duet solo? NOOO WAAAAY! Just everything in this video is the epitome of awesome. "Do you really wanna partaaaaay?!" With these cats, hell yea.
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Silversun Pickups - Swoon Stream
Bridge And Tunnel - Call to the Comptroller's Office
Bridge and Tunnel - Call to the Comptroller's Office from If You Make It on Vimeo.
Another recommendation from C-Bear, another great track. Call to the Comptroller's Office by the indie punk outfit coming out of New York. Look at how red the dude gets near the end - INTEEENSE! God I love me some upright bass
Austin Lucas - Go West
Austin Lucas - Go West from If You Make It on Vimeo.
Big ups to my buddy Chocolate Bear for giving me the heads up on this video - the chorus will probably never, ever leave my head! (yea, thanks a lot C-Bear :p). After hearing this song, I dropped everything I was doing (which was probably not much, to be honest) and went to track down Austin Lucas' latest offering entitled 'Somebody Loves You'. Part folk, a bit of country and all passion, coupled with Austin Lucas' undeniable talent on the guitar leaves audiences enthralled and entranced. Even people who try to avoid country music like the Dust Bowl (Exhibit A - me). Maybe its time to stop being so close minded and to see what other knee slappin' ho down's are out there...
EDit - truth be told, I dig this live version more than the album version. The one laid down on CD has fiddles and banjoes. I think that's also a testament to Austin Lucas' live chops - and my dislike for country!
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Black Heart Inertia

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